Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Gram Crackers [N.]- meaning: Grandmas on Crack
It wouldn't make sense if we ignored the "UFO GAZING" signs.
So we kicked up our feet in old worn hospital chairs, 
and waited for a scene from "Independence day" to unfold before our eyes.
 Needless to say, nada happened. 
so we migrated past the 20 year old german shepherd guarding the entrance, and made our way to the vortex. 

"The Alien Vortex" a place where your I-Phone compass spins like tea cups at disney, and you meditate on an unknown energy. 

--and not to bash gram cracker, but I'm pretty sure she's the only one that has ever "known" the energy.--

We were told to leave something in the Vortex, so of course Tessa and I pissed in a bottle and placed in on the feminist quarter of the vortex; because everyone knows nothing tops DNA.
 hands covered in pee and minds covered in disbelief, 
a few more dirt roads, and a couple hundred gators later we were in search of the "land of enchantment"
 We left the state of Colorado Making sure to sign it's guest book as Thelma & Louise, because words of Thelma "I don't ever remember feeling this awake"

Colorado, USA

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