Monday, June 6, 2016


I never knew you, 
I never knew you before Benji's on Oakland. 
It was a careless blizzard. 
I remember the snow fall, it was magical enough to rant about slipping n' sliding in your car on the way to breakfast.

I remember arriving at Benji's & how enthusiastic our server was to just serve us
I wondered the entire meal how one could love her job so much? how one could be so thrilled and enthusiastic in the dead of a Wisconsin Winter?
I watched you as you confessed your past & current anxiety, but on the second cup of shit coffee I observed the confidence you gained after expressing the control you've embarked upon.

(server spills water)

Shoving my face with chocolate chip pancakes, there I was, eagerly listening to you pour out your heart the way I continued to pour out my syrup.
You spoke highly of ups and downs, as if life was some sort of glorified roller-coaster. 

"Often we sit at the top, scared shitless, eventually making the move. Eventually hitting rock bottom...But at the end of the day, we can hop off, grab a funnel cake & say we did it. Maybe have an amateur coaster photo to show for it or maybe not, maybe just a memory." 

You are as precious to me as your work is to you.
I love you forever because of a booth at Benjis.

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